In the early 19th century gypsum was regarded as a miracle fertilizer. At one-point American farmers were so aggressive in the pursuit of gypsum that a smuggling trade between the U.S. and Novia Scotia began, which is now referred to as the “Plaster War” of 1820. What has changed since then has been steadfast marketing and the large infusion of petroleum-based fertilizers. Is this what is best for the crop, ground, or farmer? We stand to believe it is not. We believe what was old is new again and through our findings have seen that when commercial farmers introduce gypsum into their crops they see a reduction in water consumption, a reduction in petroleum-based fertilizers, healthier soils that perform their duties more efficiently, soil that experiences less run off, and harvested produce that has a longer shelf life due to stronger cellular growth. These outcomes are the miracle farmers experienced back in the 19thcentury.
How does gypsum make these miracles happen? It all starts with understanding what role gypsum plays in soil. Through a process called flocculation gypsum naturally binds or pushes away soil particles that hinder healthy root growth while also activating any organic microbial activity. Microbes play a critical role in breaking down nutrients resulting in soil that is bio-available. Gypsum helps stimulate this microbe production resulting in a higher volume of bacteria producing these reactions more quickly in this environment. Plants thrive in soils that have a bio-available environment which makes it easier for plants to absorb nutrients that may not be accessible. We don’t want plants to have to work to get what they need to grow!
Calcium plays a critical role in strong cellular growth and when applied in the right quantity and time of year. The result is a typically yield that has a healthier size and thickness which in turn can mean a longer shelf than the previous year at a reduction in fertilizer costs.
Recycled Gypsum differs greatly from mined or coal-fired gypsum because drywall gypsum typically has a higher purity content that is increased at the time of manufacturing and our processing techniques leave trace amounts of small fibrous paper that provides a health food source for active microbes.
We know every crop has different soil conditions and that is why Gypsum to Gypsum spends valuable time with our hands in the dirt. We work directly with farmers and field agronomists to analyze soil conditions so that we can accurately prescribe what we believe to be what is best for the crop. We found some of the best yield results in: potatoes, hazelnuts, blueberries, raspberries, onions, and apples. But we find it does not matter what your growing gypsum is an amazing soil additive to enhance any and all conditions.
Recycled Gypsum typically tests higher in purity than mined gypsum. This occurs because prior to being put into Drywall the gypsum impurities are refined during the manufacturing process.
We aim to keep recycled gypsum prices 20%-30% cheaper than mined gypsum. From time to time it can be even more. Please reach out to us today to get an estimate for wholesale gypsum.
Solubility from mined gypsum can vary depending on how the gypsum is crushed prior to being spread. When a wallboard manufacturing processing gypsum the continuity of that material is always very consistent. We find the results to be that recycled gypsum can be more soluble than mined gypsum because of the consistency.