Drywall Recycling Is Easy And Cost Effective.
On average 15% of all the drywall installed will be considered scrap or waste at the end of the project. Millions of tons per year of new construction drywall waste is generated by drywall contractors each year. Drywall cuts from windows, doors, corners, and cabinetry are a part of every project. Every drywall contractor must consider how they are going to manage the waste at their project. It is common practice to have other trades cease work during the drywall installation portion of the project. This allows the drywall contractor to perform their portion of the work without any roadblocks. At this exact moment is why source separating drywall for recycling is so easily done.
Source Separating drywall is the act of separating drywall scraps from other types of waste at the project and is the only way you can ensure 100% of the drywall can be recycled. What most drywall installers do not know is once drywall is co-mingled with other waste it instantly becomes contaminated, and it is never guaranteed that the material can be recycled. As population growth continues to affect landfill space, state municipalities across the country are beginning to ban drywall from entering landfills. It is important that drywall installers look to the horizon and carefully choose the right vendor to handle their drywall waste to protect themselves from potential future liability associated with improper disposal of drywall. Gypsum to Gypsum guarantee’s that all source separated drywall collected or accepted at any of our facility’s is a 100% percent recycled to viable end markets.
Gypsum to Gypsum finds that source separation of drywall can easily be managed at the exact moment after hanging process. This is because all other trades are out of the way until a good cleaning is done. At this point in the project drywall installers have a choice to make; dedicate your labor to clean your job site or dedicate your labor elsewhere by subcontracting this work out. Gypsum to Gypsum wants drywall installers to focus on their bottom line by doing what you do best, installing drywall. Gypsum to Gypsum would like to alleviate the burden of managing your drywall waste by offering turn-key services that handle all the cleaning work needed to move your company to the next phase of the project. Gypsum to Gypsum’s services include cleaning, papering floors, and removing all the drywall from the project. All excess sweeps or garbage that remain on the project at that time are also removed. The impact this has had on our customers business is the ability to bid and perform on more projects per year while reducing overall costs to clean and dispose of drywall at each project. As an added bonus, when you use Gypsum to Gypsum you also maximize the highest LEED points you can achieve for drywall disposal.
Most contractors don’t realize that using a co-mingled dumpster is more costly per ton than source separation. We specialize in one thing: Drywall Recycling. This allows our process to be more efficient than our competitors. If you show us your existing bill we guarantee we can beat the price by 10% or more.
We understand time is money. That is why our team always comes equipped with the tools needed to clean any project size with speed and accuracy. Additionally, when using Gypsum to Gypsum you receive the most amount of LEED points available for your project.
We want our customers to focus on what they do best; installing drywall. When you hire us to manage your drywall waste it provides an opportunity to bid on more projects and keep your team focused on maximizing revenue.